All Episodes

Displaying 91 - 120 of 280 in total

A community revved up about pool closure

City council is making a lot of noise about vehicle noise, meanwhile the Friends of Scona Rec are making a lot of noise about the closure of their favourite pool.

Pig out on city council news

There's a whole buffet of news for you here, you porker! Valley Line delays, EPS funding increases, and sanction hearings are all being served, hot and ready!

This will be the best summer ever, I'm positive

It's the final week before summer break, so one last time before the summer we'll update you on everything council decided.

Our burning carbon questions

The deputy treasurer of the City of Edmonton joins to demystify the new and award-winning carbon budgeting process.

Pitching in on encampments

The city is backtracking on its encampment strategy, starting to investigate a plan to make property tax more progressive, and worrying that a huge amount of affordabl...

Fi-Fa-Oh... Um... Let's just play hockey instead

Part of 102 Avenue downtown will be car-free, and police budgets, after all this debate, may well be scrutiny-free too.

Mini-stories east of downtown

Guests Sharon Yeo, David Holdsworth, and Hon Leong join to give insight into some of the infrastructure, cultural, and systemic reasons why Chinatown is facing the pro...

The Chinatown plan, down to the Letter

This week, the plan to pedestrianize 102 Avenue came to urban planning committee, much, it seemed, to the chagrin of city administration. Plus, City Manager Andre Corb...

Shandron't defund the police - or else

Shandro metaphorically yells on city council's driveway while they debate transit safety, Chinatown, and not police funding. Plus, outdoor pools are closed — for now.

It works everywhere else in Alberta, but could it work here? Police say no.

Executive committee debated the police funding formula and they gave it their best go. Tune in for the cliff's notes before council as a whole does the entire thing ag...

Taxes have snow where to go but up

This week, the mayor gave the state of the city, and like city council meetings, you probably didn’t watch it. We’ll tell you the important parts, plus our first look ...

Five Hundred Eighty Six Thousand Three Hundred Dollars (how do you measure an election loss)

This week, Troy and Mack are back to fill you in on everything that happened during the guest circuit for the past three episodes. There's campaign finance disclosures...

The way we treat municipalities is aPaulaIng

The Honourable Senator Paula Simons joins us to discuss her senate inquiry into the relationship between the federal and municipal governments and what we can do to he...

Watching the watch... people

After some legal advice, Coun. Anne Stevenson is ready to come on the podcast and answer our questions about the police commission.

Speaking Municipally goes to school

This week we learn all about the Edmonton Public School Board and its intersection with provincial and municipal politics and the city plan, with board chair Trisha Es...

Infilling the missing middle of council coverage

This week Councillors Michael Janz and Ashley Salvador join to fill us in on some of the things that we've missed over the first half of their term.

Have your downtown recovery and eat it too

This week, we've got a full grab bag of updates: new bridges, new energy programs, and old parking lots. Plus, maybe we can't eat our way to downtown recovery, but tha...

A public washroom strategy lost in transitlation

The city deals with its abundance of public washrooms by closing several of them. Plus, the police revoke credentials of The Progress Report, council passes a bylaw th...

The second annual Speaking Municipally transit update

Everything you need to know about transit for next year and last is asked and answered with our guest, Actual Friend of the Podcast™ Carrie Hotton-MacDonald.

Masks are SO fifth wave

City council repeals the mask bylaw...and proposes a couple more for next week? We break down the baffling mask debate from City Hall. Plus catch up on trains, bike...

Number 168 on the list

A popular viral tweet may have led you to believe that the EPS has a secret list. The paper might not be real, but the implications are. Plus, we speak with Temitope O...


The Edmonton Police Service faces blowback for its handling of convoy protests and counter-protestors, and also deals with the unintentional declassification of its su...

Unless council's ask is passed, passports will be past

City council plans to debate (read: not implement) municipal vaccine passports, and moves to use the police commission to bring more accountability (read: infinite bud...

If you drink a mug or shot in a park, EPS will know

This week we're brown-bagging our beverages during recording; no drinking allowed. At least in parks. Plus EPS actually procures facial recognition software.

Retraction: Qualico is making headway with its pedway

The City Plan is Dead: Long Live the City Plan! Turns out, all it took to kill the plan was $40M spent on a pedway and a parking garage.

Qualico was making headway and now we're taking away their pedway

Council's back and wasted no time packing our schedule with stuff to talk about. We’ve got pedway memos and police flashbangs - both the physical kind and on Twitter too.

Troy lost a bet

Due to the outcome of a game of Rocket League, Andrew Knack will be "guest hosting" this episode along with Keren Tang. You can listen to them outline their plans f...

Twas the week after budget

This episode is about the budget. Happy holidays and may your break be not filled with nightmares of watching city council debate the budget. Ours will be.

Their Formers Worship play Jeopardy 2021

Alberta Jeopardy 2021 featuring their Formers Worship: Don Iveson, Tara Veer, and Naheed Nenshi!

His Chief concern is that he can't police for McFree

The Edmonton Police Service presents its request for a budget increase. It is not compelling.

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